: 7:00 am - 9:00 pm
7:00 am - 9:00 pm
7:00 am - 9:00 pm
7:00 am - 9:00 pm
7:00 am - 9:00 pm
7:00 am - 9:00 pm
7:00 am - 9:00 pm
Thank you for taking the time to discover Iyoga, we look forward to meeting you and enhancing your life through yoga practice. We are inspired by the many benefits yoga has personally given us and know that you will benefit too. We love what we do and are committed to enhancing your health and well-being with what we have to offer, online yoga classes, workshops in various locations and retreats in beautiful locations all to enhance your life and let you live your best life! We provide small classes which allow us to personalise your practice and give you individual attention.
Who is yoga for?
Anyone who is willing to take positive action for their health and well-being can do yoga and enjoy the benefits. You can be at any age or physical ability to start yoga and experience its transformative effects in your life. Are you ready for positive change?
Our passion, our focus
Life Balance
Whatever is going on in your life our classes are designed to give you tools that you can use to provide you with energy, strength, mental, physical and emotional support. Life is full of obstacles and challenges, our main purpose is to help you balance and enjoy your life with better health. Yoga practice is a great health barometer and encourages you to have a balanced lifestyle and is a positive way forward to achieving this.
Women’s Health
Woman are most often busy and have many facets to their life. At Iyoga we really care about the health and emotional state of our female students. A healthy endocrine system plays a vital role to endure these phases, from menstruation to pregnancy and menopause. We cater for women through all her cycles and teach how asana’s can support the endocrine system. Due to hormones and other factors, women are particularly susceptible to osteoarthritis and coronary disease. At Iyoga we understand women’s health issues and have the knowledge to teach you how to prevent these conditions. Just taking time out to breathe as part of a supportive yoga practice is vitally important for women.
Our teachers are trained in remedial yoga where postural alignment plays a huge role. At Iyoga we use props and equipment to successfully rehabilitate and prevent injury while slowing down the ageing process. Through yoga asana (yoga postures) an infinite range of movement is explored to strengthen weak areas, extend tight muscles and increase blood circulation reducing inflammation and pain. This system will speed recovery from injury and provide you with the tools to perform at peak condition. Reducing stress levels by learning how to regulate breath, will have a direct effect on all systems of the body. It is proven that our breathing has an effect on our chemical balances and gut health which in turn effects mental health. Creating a more supple body through regular practice and instruction by our qualified teachers will alleviate many of these persistent and common issues.
Vanessa Greenwood
Vanessa is an Iyengar Association JI3 certified yoga teacher and the owner and director of Iyoga.
Vanessa began practising Iyengar yoga in 1993 and from 1999 has been teaching. She became a certified teacher in 2005 after training under New Zealand Iyengar teacher Suzi Carson (Four Winds Yoga). She specialises in teacher training, pregnancy/postnatal and remedial health. Training has continued with ongoing 3 x year teacher development under recognised Australasian senior Iyengar teacher Peter Thomson since 2000. Remedial yoga with teacher Stephanie Quirk. Every three years, Vanessa travels to the Ramamani Institute in Pune, India to undertake an intensive month of Iyengar classes. She has attended many International workshops and retreats and now leads her own in N.Z. and Bali.
Vanessa has been an events committee co-ordinator for Iyengar Yoga Association of New Zealand (IYANZ) from 2010 to 2013 organising workshops with visiting international senior teachers for NZ teachers. She has also been a director of 3 different Iyengar yoga studios. Vanessa also has a background in natural medicine, nutrition, and certified in Thai massage. She has four children and has practised prenatal and postnatal yoga which she strongly recommends.